Bhagavad Gita

ಅತ್ರ ಶೂರಾ ಮಹೇಷ್ವಾಸಾ ಭೀಮಾರ್ಜುನಸಮಾ ಯುಧಿ |
ಯುಯುಧಾನೋ ವಿರಾಟಶ್ಚ ದ್ರುಪದಶ್ಚ ಮಹಾರಥಃ ||೪||
atra śūrā maheṣvāsā bhīmārjunasamā yudhi |
yuyudhāno virāṭaśca drupadaśca mahārathaḥ ||4||

Sloka 1:04
Gist of the sloka:
There are many great warriors here - Saatyaki, Virata, Dhrupada who are similar to Arjuna and Bheema.
It is typical to see everywhere we look the one aspect which we dread. It is psychology as mind is fully tuned and fears the worst, irrespective of present situation. Same was the case with Duryodhana.
For being a great warrior especially in the art of bow & arrow, one must have capability to use the great bow “Gandhiva”. There were only 3 such warriors who could use Gandhiva and they were Lord Krishna, Bheema and Arjuna.
Duryodhana, had great personal fears about Arjuna and Bheema. He knew they had great strength and were capable of defeating him without much trouble. These fears of them were so strong and embedded in his mind that he started comparing all other warriors in the Pandavas army as being equal to Arjuna or Bheema. As far as he was concerned, the battlefield were only filled with Arjuna/Bheema or their equivalents.
He then names Saatyaki, Dhrupada and Virata. All of them were expected to join forces with Duryodhana [as per Duryodhana] but did not. It is his deep-felt disappointment that these, who could have strengthened him, are now against him. A sense of deep loss makes him name them.
Balarama was Duryodhana’s teacher also. Saatyaki who was with Balarama, was expected to respect Balarama’s words - indicating he would not side with anyone in the war. Saatyaki rather choose to be with Pandavas against Balarama’s words. He being a great warrior was a significant asset to Pandavas.
Virata was the King under whose kingdom, his brother-in-law Keechaka resided, who was a law into himself. Bheema killed Keechaka and solved the problem for Virata. Virata was a King under the emperor Dhitrarastra. He was naturally expected to side with Duryodhana which did not happen.
Finally, Dhrupada was actually taken prisoner by Pandavas as per their Guru Dronacharya orders. It was in a way, a humiliation to the King. Rather, the King gave his daughter to Pandavas and strengthened his relationship with them and actually fought for them. He had his son take the commandership of Pandava army.
All the above 3 were in some sense expected to join Kauravas but rather joined the Pandavas. This affected Duryodhana – a sense of betrayal.